No local church can really lay claim to being biblical in nature unless it pursues with heartfelt purpose some form of ongoing, practical application when it comes to the Acts 1:8 challenge given by Jesus Himself – “You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” In other words, we are to share the gospel by witnessing to its truthfulness and life-changing power found only in Jesus Christ. If you picture Soperton as Jerusalem, Georgia as Judea, the United States as Samaria, and other nations as the remotest part of the earth, then the Lord’s command to his followers becomes even more crucial to obey and carry out.
FBC Soperton seeks to faithfully fulfill our Acts 1:8 mandate. We are partners in gospel ministry with our local association (Daniell Baptist Association), the Southern Baptist Convention (through the cooperative program), the North American Mission Board (through our Annie Armstrong Easter offering), the International Mission Board (through our Lottie Moon Christmas offering), as well as various other national and international missionaries and mission organizations.
Easter Weekend is an exciting time for our church! The Good Friday Community Dinner is one of our favorite ways to say, “We Love Our Community!” We were also thankful to serve at the Community Trick or Treat event at Jean Gillis Memorial Park.
Always be ready to pray, give, serve, and go!